Monday, August 6, 2012

Beautiful Eulogy

This is a live recording of one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite albums. These guys speak more truth in 53 minutes (the length of the album) than most people do in a week, or longer. If you want to be challenged, taught, enlightened, strengthened, and just experience a unique artform in the midst of its most glorious intention, get this album. You can download it for free here. Braille, Odd Thomas, and Courtland Ubano join together to form the collaboration that is Beautiful Eulogy. If you want to hear more about their mission and the mission of their record label Humble Beast, check this out. You will be exponentially blessed by both if you have a heart for gospel proclamation and/or hip-hop music.

Below are the lyrics to the song from the above video:

There used to be a time when we were fine living life with no particular religious bend. Pretending to be our own gods inventing our own system of belief so as to not depend on anything other than our own self-governing consent. Defending an impending doom with no perceived need to concede or repent. Presuming our innocence in a sense dissent. The sting of death was only the inevitable end of everything we could never rightly understand or comprehend. We used to fear the unknown until God made himself known and atoned mending the relationship between God and men. Giving his life as a ransom for many when he died and ascended and in that one event the certainty of eternal death was circumvented. Making a way for the day when history stops and time suspends. Spending eternity in fellowship that never ends. We see the greatest expression of God’s love extended in the moment when those who were once enemies instead became God’s friends.

And when it's my time to go, go ahead and take me home. I know I'll be with you. I know I'll be with you. When it is my time to go, go ahead and take me home. Knowing that I'd rather go, I wanna be with you.

How sweet the Gospel sounds to ears like mine. Well acquainted with pain and strained relationships. Friendships that suffer from long distances, or even worse they get severed from something more severe. And He still hasn’t wiped away all my tears yet. My cheeks get wet every now and then. Even when I give my best, I know I fall short. I get scared when the ball's in my court. Focused on, my performance, wretched and poor. It makes the message more real when I preach it. I’m not there yet so I’m reaching, reaching for a goal, to stand before my King and be speechless. Then, never again, will I question if his grace is sufficient to cover my sin. Cause death is gone, and all the effects of, evil and wrong will be conquered when His kingdom comes. So this is my hope and my prayer. The air that I’ll breath in eternity with lungs that never fail me. If it pleases my Lord, and only by Your grace, use my life till it’s poured out for Your sake. Until then I’ll remain where You have me, with joy when I feel unhappy. And a peace that surpasses all my understanding, my life is in the hands of Your love everlasting.

And when it's my time to go, go ahead and take me home. I know I'll be with you. I know I'll be with you. When it is my time to go, go ahead and take me home. Knowing that I'd rather go, I wanna be with you.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Realist
by: Janice Seney

I am not a dreamer
More of a realist,
Facing those things that are
Even though to others
They do not appear.
The reality of God's Word that
Will never pass away,
Is much surer and stronger than
Anything I can touch or others say.
So a realist I am
Walking - Living - Moving
And having my being in Him.

Sometimes people scold me for being "too negative" about certain things. My response is usually that I am a realist and reality is not always cupcakes and rainbows. It involves suffering, pain, and tears. "But you've gotta be more optimistic about things," they explain. Optimism and realism can go hand in hand if you think about what each of these words actually mean. Realism is looking at things unbiasedly as they truly are. Optimism is usually described as "hoping for the best" or "looking on the bright side of things". The truth is, the "bright side" or "best" that we are hoping for, is reality if you choose for it to be. The poem above is fairly high up on the list of my favorites. It encapsulates just about everything I believe to go along with the definition of a realist. Reality is truth and truth is found in God's Word and God's Word displays this "bright side" in Jesus Christ that optimists are longing for.

Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Therefore, all things, a.k.a reality, are working together for the good of those who love God. Who are those that love God? In John 14:15 Jesus explains, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." So, for those of us who genuinely repent of our sins, believe in Jesus Christ, and follow Him in the way He instructs us to live, God is working all things together for our good. In that case, we can hope for the best because we are already promised to receive the best in ALL things. Here is the catch where most people get entangled, though. We have to believe in God's idea of what is best for us above our own ideas. We have to trust Him completely and know that, since His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9), He is always working all things together for the good of those who love Him. This even includes the suffering, pain, and tears mentioned previously. How much do you truly trust in Him and His Word?

May you be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus and may your faith and trust in Him abound.